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Must follow push notification strategies for better app engagement?

July 30, 2014

The power of push notifications is well known to the business world. Push notifications engage users even when the user is isn’t using the app. Unless the mobile app has engaging content, users often ignore apps installed in their mobile phones. Push notifications can help businesses send gentle reminder to users. However, using push notifications should be done wisely. While ignoring them can cause harm, overusing them can also cause harm to your business. The following information will enlighten you on how to get the maximum out of your mobile app.

Push Notification Strategies

Push notification strategy to retain customers

Often it is difficult to make users to open an app they have ignored after the first use. It is a good idea to remind them of their connections and what they are up to via push notifications to attract their attention. This is a proven push notification strategy that kindles the ash covered embers within the users. Some of the online companies that have found success using this strategy include Twitter, Facebook, and SinpSnap among others. While the social media networks keeps notifying the users with their connections update, SinpSnap reminds users to utilize the discount coupons.

Push notification strategy to encourage passive users

With mobile shopping becoming the modern day trend, users are often on the lookout for lucrative offers and deals. Sending relevant information to users will make them utilize your mobile app that has been long ignored. However, you need to first analyze the behavior patterns of the user with the help of analytics and send the push notifications on offers and deals at the right moment to make the user act.

One other scenario where such strategy works well is when a customer abandons the shopping cart after placing items in it, sending push notifications on discounts and deals on the items will encourage to customer to make use of your app for purchasing goods.

Push notification strategy to beat your competitors

Providing information that is highly useful to the user will make the user prefer your mobile app over your competitors that don’t. Some of the scenarios that can utilize this type of push notification strategy include banks, insurance companies, entertainment industry, and healthcare industry among others. Innoppl a leading mobile app development company in Atlanta follow the same strategy to beat the competitors.

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